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When you make your charitable contribution this year, will it directly help yourfamily, friends and neighbors? -

BEACON COMMUNITY FOUNDATION SCOBEY MONTANA 59263 Rh. 4 □ S-4 B ’ 7- 2292 P.O. BOX 726 When you make your charitable contribution this year, will it directly help your family, friends and neighbors? Let Beacon Help You Make The Most Of Your GiftsJ Current Funds Already Set Up Are Listed Below: Every Dollar You Gift Keeps On Giving To The Community 'Share In The Legacy' I would like to make a gift of $___________________ to one/or more of the BCF Endowments: If a memorial (to: ____________________________ ) the family will be notified. Beacon A (or Beacon B-operations) D.C. Ambulance Doris Mahler Memorial Scholarship 'Bucky Bucks' & Dollars for Scholars Bjerke Fund (earnings support area captial projects) _______ D.C. Library _______ Virginia Miller Music/Nursing Scholarship _______ Jack Reiner Music Camp Scholarship _______ Marvin & Ellen Tade Family Endow. (Tade Endowment earnings benefit-10% to Beacon, 10% to Health Care, 10% to County, 60% to Area Capital Projects) Sue Hellickson Memorial Scholarship _______ Chester and Marge Solberg Scholarship _______ Charles Daniels Family Memorial Scholarship Founder's Fund (In Memory of Tom Cote) (Earnings from fund help with travel and related expenses to Daniels County cancer victims) ^Signature _ ___________________________ Address . Phone _ Beacon Community Foundation strives to make Daniels County a better place to live and to pass on a richer legacy than we inherited. Visit with your accountant about possible tax benefits by donating to Beacon Community Foundation Funds Send Donations to: BCF • Box 726 • Scobey, MT 59263 BCF, Inc. is a Montana non-profit corporation and a 501(c)(3) federal tax exempt organization. Contribution to BCF, Inc. are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.
BEACON COMMUNITY FOUNDATION SCOBEY MONTANA 59263 Rh. 4 □ S-4 B ’ 7- 2292 P.O. BOX 726 When you make your charitable contribution this year, will it directly help your family, friends and neighbors? Let Beacon Help You Make The Most Of Your GiftsJ Current Funds Already Set Up Are Listed Below: Every Dollar You Gift Keeps On Giving To The Community 'Share In The Legacy' I would like to make a gift of $___________________ to one/or more of the BCF Endowments: If a memorial (to: ____________________________ ) the family will be notified. Beacon A (or Beacon B-operations) D.C. Ambulance Doris Mahler Memorial Scholarship 'Bucky Bucks' & Dollars for Scholars Bjerke Fund (earnings support area captial projects) _______ D.C. Library _______ Virginia Miller Music/Nursing Scholarship _______ Jack Reiner Music Camp Scholarship _______ Marvin & Ellen Tade Family Endow. (Tade Endowment earnings benefit-10% to Beacon, 10% to Health Care, 10% to County, 60% to Area Capital Projects) Sue Hellickson Memorial Scholarship _______ Chester and Marge Solberg Scholarship _______ Charles Daniels Family Memorial Scholarship Founder's Fund (In Memory of Tom Cote) (Earnings from fund help with travel and related expenses to Daniels County cancer victims) ^Signature _ ___________________________ Address . Phone _ Beacon Community Foundation strives to make Daniels County a better place to live and to pass on a richer legacy than we inherited. Visit with your accountant about possible tax benefits by donating to Beacon Community Foundation Funds Send Donations to: BCF • Box 726 • Scobey, MT 59263 BCF, Inc. is a Montana non-profit corporation and a 501(c)(3) federal tax exempt organization. Contribution to BCF, Inc. are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.