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When you make your charitable contribution this year, will it directly help yourfamily, friends and neighbors? -

The Most Of Your Gifts! t
BEACON COMMUNITY FD UN DATION P.O. BOX 726 SCOBEY MONTANA 59263 F*H. 4D6-4B7-2Z9Z When you make your charitable contribution this year, will it directly help your family, friends and neighbors? Let Beacon Help You Make The Most Of Your Gifts! t Current Funds Already Set Up Are Listed Below: Every Dollar You Gift Keeps On Giving To The Community 'Share In The Legacy' I would like to make a gift of $_________________ to one/or more of the BCF Endowments: If a memorial (to:___________________________ ) the family will be notified. _______ D.C. Library ________ Virginia Miller Music/Nursing Scholarship Beacon A (or Beacon B-operations) D.C. Ambulance Doris Mahler Memorial Scholarship 'Bucky Bucks' & Dollars for Scholars Bjerke Fund (earnings support area captial projects) _______ Jack Reiner Music Camp Scholarship _______ Marvin & Ellen Tade Family Endow. (Tade Endowment earnings benefit-10% to Beacon, 10% to Health Care, 10% to County, 60% to Area Capital Projects) Sue Hellickson Memorial Scholarship ________ Chester and Marge Solberg Scholarship ________ Charles Daniels Family Memorial Scholarship Founder's Fund (In Memory of Tom Cote) (Earnings from fund help with travel and related expenses to Daniels County cancer victims) Signature _ Address l !r ___________________________________ _________ ________________________ ___ _______________ Phone _ Beacon Community Foundation strives to make Daniels County a better place to live and to pass on a richer legacy than we inherited. Visit with your accountant about possible tax benefits by donating to Beacon Community Foundation Funds Send Donations to: BCF • Box 726 • Scobey, MT 59263 BCF, Inc. is a Montana non-profit corporation and a 501 (c)(3) federal tax exempt organization. Contribution to BCF, Inc. are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.
BEACON COMMUNITY FD UN DATION P.O. BOX 726 SCOBEY MONTANA 59263 F*H. 4D6-4B7-2Z9Z When you make your charitable contribution this year, will it directly help your family, friends and neighbors? Let Beacon Help You Make The Most Of Your Gifts! t Current Funds Already Set Up Are Listed Below: Every Dollar You Gift Keeps On Giving To The Community 'Share In The Legacy' I would like to make a gift of $_________________ to one/or more of the BCF Endowments: If a memorial (to:___________________________ ) the family will be notified. _______ D.C. Library ________ Virginia Miller Music/Nursing Scholarship Beacon A (or Beacon B-operations) D.C. Ambulance Doris Mahler Memorial Scholarship 'Bucky Bucks' & Dollars for Scholars Bjerke Fund (earnings support area captial projects) _______ Jack Reiner Music Camp Scholarship _______ Marvin & Ellen Tade Family Endow. (Tade Endowment earnings benefit-10% to Beacon, 10% to Health Care, 10% to County, 60% to Area Capital Projects) Sue Hellickson Memorial Scholarship ________ Chester and Marge Solberg Scholarship ________ Charles Daniels Family Memorial Scholarship Founder's Fund (In Memory of Tom Cote) (Earnings from fund help with travel and related expenses to Daniels County cancer victims) Signature _ Address l !r ___________________________________ _________ ________________________ ___ _______________ Phone _ Beacon Community Foundation strives to make Daniels County a better place to live and to pass on a richer legacy than we inherited. Visit with your accountant about possible tax benefits by donating to Beacon Community Foundation Funds Send Donations to: BCF • Box 726 • Scobey, MT 59263 BCF, Inc. is a Montana non-profit corporation and a 501 (c)(3) federal tax exempt organization. Contribution to BCF, Inc. are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.