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Public testing of the express votes machine for the Federal Primary Nominating Election to be held June 4, 2024, will be on -

Public testing of the express votes machine for the Federal Primary Nominating Election to be held June 4, 2024, will be on Thursday, May 30, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. Anyone wishing to attend the testing is welcome. Testing will be held in the Daniels County Courthouse, located at 213 Main Street in Scobey, Montana. Kristy Jones Pub. 05-30-24 MNAXLP Election Administrator Daniels County, Montana
Public testing of the express votes machine for the Federal Primary Nominating Election to be held June 4, 2024, will be on Thursday, May 30, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. Anyone wishing to attend the testing is welcome. Testing will be held in the Daniels County Courthouse, located at 213 Main Street in Scobey, Montana. Kristy Jones Pub. 05-30-24 MNAXLP Election Administrator Daniels County, Montana