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NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL SEAT V ACANCY The Scobey City Council will accept letters of interest to fill the upcoming City Council Vacancy in Ward II (east side of town), with a term ending date of December 31, 2025. Qualifications for this position include: must be a resident of the City of Sc obey who is 18 years or older; a citizen of Montana and a qualified elector pursuant to Article IV, Section 2 of the Montana Constitution to be eligible to hold office. Interview questions may be picked up at City Hall, 708 1st Ave W. or by request email at Letters of interest must be returned by June 7, 2024 by 4:00 p.m. to be con sidered. Any questions related to the position can be directed to Mayor Lekvold by email at or by calling City Hall at 406-487-5581.
NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL SEAT V ACANCY The Scobey City Council will accept letters of interest to fill the upcoming City Council Vacancy in Ward II (east side of town), with a term ending date of December 31, 2025. Qualifications for this position include: must be a resident of the City of Sc obey who is 18 years or older; a citizen of Montana and a qualified elector pursuant to Article IV, Section 2 of the Montana Constitution to be eligible to hold office. Interview questions may be picked up at City Hall, 708 1st Ave W. or by request email at Letters of interest must be returned by June 7, 2024 by 4:00 p.m. to be con sidered. Any questions related to the position can be directed to Mayor Lekvold by email at or by calling City Hall at 406-487-5581.