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Live music March 29 5-8 p.m. - Mars Daniels w/ Skye Berns Trivia Thurs - 6:30 Brews and Brushes with Pleasant Prairie Taproom 601 Main St. - Scobey Rough Country Flamingo Apr. 7 -manifest your travel dreams by water - coloring your way around the world- Only 12 seats register now! Delicious, Handcrafted PPB Beers —cider and wine options — kombucha and other non-alcoholic options Tues. through Friday 4 to 9 pm Sat. and Sun. 2 pm to 9 pm; Last Call -half hour before closing — Closed Mon. Gift Cards! 406-487-BREW (2739)
Live music March 29 5-8 p.m. - Mars Daniels w/ Skye Berns Trivia Thurs - 6:30 Brews and Brushes with Pleasant Prairie Taproom 601 Main St. - Scobey Rough Country Flamingo Apr. 7 -manifest your travel dreams by water - coloring your way around the world- Only 12 seats register now! Delicious, Handcrafted PPB Beers —cider and wine options — kombucha and other non-alcoholic options Tues. through Friday 4 to 9 pm Sat. and Sun. 2 pm to 9 pm; Last Call -half hour before closing — Closed Mon. Gift Cards! 406-487-BREW (2739)