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Notice To Public from D.C. Solid Waste Dept. There are changes in construction prices. For loads brought out to the landfill and dumpsters loaned out that are used for construction projects it will be $25/yd. Also, dumpsters loaned out for cleaning out houses or garages with just household garbage will remain $125. We also ask the contractors if they could put on the front driver side corner how many yards that truck or trailer can hold.
Notice To Public from D.C. Solid Waste Dept. There are changes in construction prices. For loads brought out to the landfill and dumpsters loaned out that are used for construction projects it will be $25/yd. Also, dumpsters loaned out for cleaning out houses or garages with just household garbage will remain $125. We also ask the contractors if they could put on the front driver side corner how many yards that truck or trailer can hold.