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Foot Clinic Senior Citizens Center in Scobey Monday, December 18 – 1-3 p.m. Call Sherri 406-487-2434 at the Center or Brookelynn at 406-320-2908 to schedule an appointment. (Walk-ins welcome) With the generous help of the Beacon Grant, the cost will only be $10! Future Foot Clinic dates will be (1-3 p.m.) on January 29th; February 26th; March 25th; April 29th and May 27th. * Join us on Mondays at 10:00 a.m. at the Senior Citizens Center for SAIL (falls prevention) exercise class!
Foot Clinic Senior Citizens Center in Scobey Monday, December 18 – 1-3 p.m. Call Sherri 406-487-2434 at the Center or Brookelynn at 406-320-2908 to schedule an appointment. (Walk-ins welcome) With the generous help of the Beacon Grant, the cost will only be $10! Future Foot Clinic dates will be (1-3 p.m.) on January 29th; February 26th; March 25th; April 29th and May 27th. * Join us on Mondays at 10:00 a.m. at the Senior Citizens Center for SAIL (falls prevention) exercise class!