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SEVEN TIMBER BRIDGES REPLACED IN NORTHEASTERN MONTANA IN 2023 The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and Sletten Construction have paused work on the Timber Bridges – Glasgow Area project until spring. During the 2023 construction season, crews replaced seven timber bridges near Glasgow. Through the Timber Bridges – Glasgow Area project, MDT is using a bridge bundling program to replace up to 16 timber bridges within three years in northeastern Montana. In 2024, crews anticipate replacing up to eight timber bridges located on US Highway 2 (US 2), Montana Highway 248 (MT 248), Montana Highway 251 (MT 251), and Montana Highway 24 (MT 24). For more information and a list of the bridges being replaced and their locations, visit
SEVEN TIMBER BRIDGES REPLACED IN NORTHEASTERN MONTANA IN 2023 The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and Sletten Construction have paused work on the Timber Bridges – Glasgow Area project until spring. During the 2023 construction season, crews replaced seven timber bridges near Glasgow. Through the Timber Bridges – Glasgow Area project, MDT is using a bridge bundling program to replace up to 16 timber bridges within three years in northeastern Montana. In 2024, crews anticipate replacing up to eight timber bridges located on US Highway 2 (US 2), Montana Highway 248 (MT 248), Montana Highway 251 (MT 251), and Montana Highway 24 (MT 24). For more information and a list of the bridges being replaced and their locations, visit