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All Who Think Having A Dollar Store In Scobey Would Be Better Than Traveling Out Of Town To Shop At One . . . -

All Who Think Having A Dollar Store In Scobey Would Be Better Than Traveling Out Of Town To Shop At One . . . Attend The Scobey City Council Meeting Tuesday, December 12 At 8:30 A.M. Having Quick Access To More Goods Right Here, In Our Town, Could Be A Good Thing! - paid for by Banjo Girard
All Who Think Having A Dollar Store In Scobey Would Be Better Than Traveling Out Of Town To Shop At One . . . Attend The Scobey City Council Meeting Tuesday, December 12 At 8:30 A.M. Having Quick Access To More Goods Right Here, In Our Town, Could Be A Good Thing! - paid for by Banjo Girard