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Open enrollment for Medicare Part D Prescription Drug coverage ends December 7th. AAMEETINGS IN SCOBEY– Call 406-580-1567 for more information. AA & NA MEETINGS IN SCOBEY held in Youth League Room, NE corner of Scobey Lutheran Church. AA Meetings are 1st & 3rd Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. NA Meetings are 2nd & 4th Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. For more information call Gordy at 783-7887 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT FOR LOAN — Legion Post 56 and VFW Post 173 has the following medical equipment for loan to people in Daniels County area - wheel chairs, walkers, canes, crutches, bath benches and commodes. If you would like to use some of these items contact one of the following people: Morgan Lekvold – 783-8811 Fitch Hons – 487-2731 (home) 783-7347 (cell) VFW and American Legion Grave Service Markers available. Daniels Memorial Hospital Auxiliary MondayNight$50FootballWinners-November27 Bears at Vikings Dawn King and Angela Myhre UNITED INSURANCE & REALTY J. Perry Wolfe or Lacey Southland EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY Personal service that will always be on hand when you need help! That’s what we offer at WOLFE-DANIELS – your full-service Independent Insurance agency.We are here to help you get the right insurance protection – quality protection at affordable prices! We'll help you shop the policies of many fine companies to find the coverage you need. Remember, we work for you - not an insurance company. WOLFE-DANIELS, your more-than-one company insurance service. “Don’tcountthedays;makethedayscount.” –Muhammad Ali WOLFE-DANIELS INSURANCE Box 150 • Scobey, MT 59263 • Ph. 487-2252 or 5361
Open enrollment for Medicare Part D Prescription Drug coverage ends December 7th. AAMEETINGS IN SCOBEY– Call 406-580-1567 for more information. AA & NA MEETINGS IN SCOBEY held in Youth League Room, NE corner of Scobey Lutheran Church. AA Meetings are 1st & 3rd Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. NA Meetings are 2nd & 4th Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. For more information call Gordy at 783-7887 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT FOR LOAN — Legion Post 56 and VFW Post 173 has the following medical equipment for loan to people in Daniels County area - wheel chairs, walkers, canes, crutches, bath benches and commodes. If you would like to use some of these items contact one of the following people: Morgan Lekvold – 783-8811 Fitch Hons – 487-2731 (home) 783-7347 (cell) VFW and American Legion Grave Service Markers available. Daniels Memorial Hospital Auxiliary MondayNight$50FootballWinners-November27 Bears at Vikings Dawn King and Angela Myhre UNITED INSURANCE & REALTY J. Perry Wolfe or Lacey Southland EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY Personal service that will always be on hand when you need help! That’s what we offer at WOLFE-DANIELS – your full-service Independent Insurance agency.We are here to help you get the right insurance protection – quality protection at affordable prices! We'll help you shop the policies of many fine companies to find the coverage you need. Remember, we work for you - not an insurance company. WOLFE-DANIELS, your more-than-one company insurance service. “Don’tcountthedays;makethedayscount.” –Muhammad Ali WOLFE-DANIELS INSURANCE Box 150 • Scobey, MT 59263 • Ph. 487-2252 or 5361