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to be put to use in our community! Her desire to continue giving and having the foresight of setting up such a trust, leaves an astounding legacy, memorializing her family while greatly benefitting Northeast Montana over the past20 years and carrying on into the future!
extends a big thank you to the Ruby Hanson Memorial Fund and its trustees for approving the very generous gift of $50,000 to be put to use in our community! Her desire to continue giving and having the foresight of setting up such a trust, leaves an astounding legacy, memorializing her family while greatly benefitting Northeast Montana over the past 20 years and carrying on into the future! How Does SAFI Use Its Money? SAFI has either taken the reins, spearheaded and/or financially assisted with (to mention only a few of the larger projects) The Large Scobey School Gym (completed in 2000) Scobey Swimming Pool (opened 2015) Plainsmen Field Football Lights (2015-16) New Plainsmen Field Concession Stand & Rest Rooms Assisted With The Cost of New Gym LED Lighting and many other school projects and community needs SAFI sometimes serves as an organization to raise money for specific projects where tax monies are not available or cannot be used on, such as projects mentioned above. Would you like to help SAFI Help This Community? Donations and memorials of any size are welcome and very much appreciated. SAFI is a 501(c)3 Tax Deductible Foundation Checks can be mailed to SAFI Box 535, Scobey, MT 59263
extends a big thank you to the Ruby Hanson Memorial Fund and its trustees for approving the very generous gift of $50,000 to be put to use in our community! Her desire to continue giving and having the foresight of setting up such a trust, leaves an astounding legacy, memorializing her family while greatly benefitting Northeast Montana over the past 20 years and carrying on into the future! How Does SAFI Use Its Money? SAFI has either taken the reins, spearheaded and/or financially assisted with (to mention only a few of the larger projects) The Large Scobey School Gym (completed in 2000) Scobey Swimming Pool (opened 2015) Plainsmen Field Football Lights (2015-16) New Plainsmen Field Concession Stand & Rest Rooms Assisted With The Cost of New Gym LED Lighting and many other school projects and community needs SAFI sometimes serves as an organization to raise money for specific projects where tax monies are not available or cannot be used on, such as projects mentioned above. Would you like to help SAFI Help This Community? Donations and memorials of any size are welcome and very much appreciated. SAFI is a 501(c)3 Tax Deductible Foundation Checks can be mailed to SAFI Box 535, Scobey, MT 59263