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75 Years Ago


Items taken from weekly issues 75 years ago, from the Daniels County Leader, est. 1922 (continuation of the Scobey Sentinel, est. 1912).

June 20, 1946

Primary Interest Quickens With 11th Hour Filings– Scarcely a ripple appeared on the surface of the coming primary elections July 16 with all incumbents and candidates practically unopposed. Saturday Henry Schauer filed on the Republican ticket for sheriff, Melfred Eide became a candidate on the same ticket for the office of county treasurer and Kenneth Larson likewise for the office of county assessor.

Heads Lions Club–

Even Kristenson, who has piloted the Scobey Lions Club for the past year, turns over presidential duties to Rasmus Nelson, prominent implement dealer. Chosen to assist the new president are Chet Solberg, Jack Coughlin and Earl Fairbanks, vice presidents; Geo. H. Jones, secretary-treasurer; Gerald Melena, Lion Tamer. Trustees named were O. L. Wolford and T. Erickstein. John O’Meara was elected Tail Twister.
