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Hospital Board Meeting Notes


Daniels Memorial Healthcare Center held its regular Board of Directors meeting, April 22, 2024 at 6 p.m. in the Hospital conference room. The unapproved minutes in part include: Members Present: Jack Pittenger, Chase Thompson (6:05), Cliff Hames, Mike Bjarko, Arlene Kegley, Janitzia Nelson, Tanner Trower, Kody Brinton, Jennifer Marsh, Pat McConnell, Wendy Dahl, Jessica Winge-Peterson, Henry Lewis.

Trauma Board Resolution - Jessica Winge-Petersen, DON, presented on behalf of Delia Fjeld, the resolution for support of resources for the trauma care at DMHC.

Annual approval of operating budget included Trauma Coordinator allocated hours, trauma education budget including travel for RN’s, provider trauma training including travel, and community outreach and education.

DMHC is a level 4 trauma center with recertification every 3 years. Janitzia Nelson made a motion to approve the board resolution for support of resources for trauma care at DMHC; seconded and carried.

Appointment of Infection Prevention and Control Coordinator and Appointment of Antimicrobial/Antibiotic Stewardship Leader - Jessica Winge-Petersen presented letters of appointment for the Infection Prevention and Co...