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Years 75 Ago


Items taken from weekly issues 75 years ago, from the Daniels County Leader, est. 1922 (continuation of the Scobey Sentinel, est. 1912).

May 19, 1949

About $8,000 in Hay Destroyed by Fire–

Ted Rustebakke, farmer from Peerless area, noticed a prairie fire had started on one end of Pete Nieskens fallow strip, he was going to stop when he noticed clouds of smoke near his place and hurried on to find flames of a grass fire within a few yards of two large stacks of baled hay. Art Ellingson and Lalon Jones started out from Peerless with their plows, soon 45-50 persons from the Peerless community were on hand to help. About 250 to 300 tons of stacked hay were goners. The two fires started from flying carbon sparks from the train.

Young Girl...