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Montana Commissioner Of Political Practices Opens Complaints Against Ag Candidates


Democrats lodge complaints against Attorney General, Daniels County Attorney By: Darrell Ehrlick - May 16 Daily Montanan The Montana Commissioner of Political Practices, the state’s top election and campaign enforcement official, has accepted two complaints that center on the Republican primary race for attorney general, including one involving current state Attorney General Austin Knudsen.

Earlier this week, the Daily Montanan reported that at an event last Saturday, an audio recording obtained by the news organization appeared to capture Knudsen calling Montana’s campaign finance laws "ridiculous” and saying that he asked a friend to run against him in the partisan primary as a way to raise more money.

Logan Olson, a Republican who appears on the ballot, is also the Daniels County Attorney. Olson appears to have done little in the way of campaigning. Prior to the complaints bei...