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City Business . . .


Taken from the unapproved minutes of the regular meeting of City Council, City of Scobey, Montana held Tuesday, May 14, 2024 at 8:30 a.m. at City Hall.

REGULAR MEETING Mayor Morgan Lekvold called the meeting to order with council members Paul Landeraaen, Niki Larson, and Greg Crowder present.

Councilman Seth Axtman was absent. Also, in attendance were John Bach, Brian French, Fire Chief Wyatt Wilder, Ben Fosland and Clerk Sonya M. Southland; George Klier (8:45).

Open Bids – Mayor Lekvold opened three bids all for the 91 Chevy Dually pickup none for the crane: 1) $2001.00 Gavin Farris 2) $4000.00 Lance Gaustad 3) $8698.99 George Klier Utility Billing Report – Utility Clerk Janet Armbrust reported that five notices of possible tax liens for past due utility accounts have been mailed; one account was paid in full. One house has been sold and account paid in full. She also reviewed April’s past due accounts.

One account the city is trying to find the responsible party -the homeowner has passed and the city has been told this home has a reverse mortgage, no further information has been obtained.

Public Works Report –

• Should start filling the pool soon.

• One of the garbage trucks has a hole in the intake manifold, Border Plains will look at it.

• Mowing in between rains continues.

Zoning Administrator - Steve Berreth presented four zoning permits. All are in compliance. Councilman Landeraaen moved to approve the following permits: shed permit at 202 C Street, fence permit at 102 Park St., deck permit at 306ASt., and a fencepermitat610Robinson; motion seconded and passed.

Fire Chief Wyatt re...