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City Business . . .


Taken from the unapproved minutes of the regular meeting of City Council, City of Scobey, Montana held Tuesday, March 26, 2024 at 8:30 a.m. at City Hall.

REGULAR MEETING Mayor Morgan Lekvold called the meeting to order with council members Niki Larson, Greg Crowder, Seth AxtmanandPaulLanderaaen present. Also, in attendance were Brian French, Lacey Southland, CityAttorney Ben Fosland, and Clerk Sonya M.


Concrete Work Park - Estimates received were from Leibrand Construction Inc., Holum Construction LLC, Eagleman Creations and LuLu’s Concrete.

Public Works Report –

• Seasonal cans have been delivered/Crew will spray paint “grass only” on the cans

• Due to weather - street sweeping has not continued

• Crew has been working on the hydraulics on the Garbage Truck

• Discussed purchasing gravel and the condition of 3rd Ave. The City may have to clean out the culverts.Also discussed adding curb an...