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BASKETBALL—Allfourclasses,twopolls,definitely foramusementonly: Would it be interesting to see Montana High School Association basketball rankings forgirlsandboysinjusttwopollswithClassesAA,A, B and C all combined?, which the Leader logs onto often in search of basketball final scores, actually has them. According to MaxPreps it “does not poll coaches, sportswriters or fans. Nor does our staff make any judgements on the merits of any individual team. Prior season history, school size and comments on meassge boards are not considered in MaxPrepsComputerRankings.Thesystemutilizesthe huge number of game results stored in the MaxPreps database. Generally, the more a team wins, the higher the ranking. However, the system takes into account quality wins (against other highly ranked opponents and strength of schedule.” Here is the girls’ poll as of February 14. 1) Custer County (Miles City)(Class A), 16-2 record, 25.04 r...