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Commissioners: Other Top Items Monday


On Monday, Clerk of Court Tammi Fladager presented Commissioners with a no cost proposal to replace most of the seating in the Daniels County Court Room.

She said the court room is often used by the clerk for overflow of clerk's business such as families coming in for passport applications, or just meetingwithmorethanoneor two people as the office is so small. Recently a seven year old girl accidentally tipped over a whole row of seats in the court room. No one was injured but it pointed out an obvious problem. The folding, theatre type, unpadded seats also have many pinch points and are narrow for larger folks. Fladager discussed with District Judge Cybulski about the possibility of finding a replacement. She found a church in Great Falls that was offering pews for sale as it was closing. “The price was a no brainer,” Clerk Fladager stated. A local, anonymous donor offered to pay for six 9’ and one 14’ padded pew...