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Hospital Board Meeting Notes


Daniels Memorial Healthcare Center held its regular Board of Directors meeting, December 20, 2023 at 6 p.m. in the Hospital conference room. The unapproved minutes in part include:

Members Present: Jack Pittenger, Tanner Trower, Cliff Hames, Wyatt Wilder, Chase Thompson, Jedda Barron, Mike Bjarko, Kymber Carney, Arlene Kegley, Janitzia Nelson, Kody Brinton, Dr Shahbodaghi, Kim Wangerin, Pat McConnell, Jennifer Marsh, Nicole Hobbs, Wendy Dahl, Jessica Winge-Petersen, Koby May Jack Pittenger called the meeting to order at 6:00pm.

Guest: Medical Director

- Dr. David Shahbodaghi, Medical Director at Daniels Memorial, introduced himself to the Daniels Memorial team. Dr. Shahbodaghi shared his job as medical director is to be the next level of support for medical providers and commented DMHC has a strong provider team. DMHC was fortunate to hire seasoned professionals, Mike Rossi and Rebecca Stacey.

The focus in rural healthcare is 1) Quality of Care and 2) Patient Experience.

Dr. Shahbodaghi shared the future next step is what additional services to add in part with new construction for the potential and room for growth. A limitation right now is not having wall oxygen and wall suction. Jack shared Dr. Shahbodaghi has been a real asset to the team.

Building Committee Update - Tanner updated on the preliminary architecture report (PAR). PAR to be completed first part of January for USDA. Feasibility study to be completed by January 12. Waiting on interim construction financin...