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City Business . . .

Taken from the unapproved minutes of the regular meeting of City Council, City of Scobey, Montana held Tuesday, December 12, 2023

at 8:30 a.m. at City Hall.


Mayor Morgan Lekvold called the meeting to order with councilmen Scott Fishell, Seth Axtman and Paul Landeraaen present. Also, in attendance were Larry Donohue, Dan Wolfe, Cory Graff, Jesper Hansen, Banjo Girard, Les Leibrand, Tammi Fladager, Bridget Norby, Brian French, Kurt Nelson, Niki Larson, Greg Crowder, Burl Bowler, Fire Chief Wyatt Wilder, Sheriff Vines, PWD Steve Berreth and Clerk Sonya M. Southland.

Public Comment – Mayor Lekvold asked for any public comment. Banjo Girard asked why we have a zoning board if we don’t use it – they made a recommendation to add retail businesses to light industrial zone and Council didn’t agree with it and the first reading failed. Consensus of the Council was they felt they didn’t see the need for a permitted use change in that zone. Banjo referred to the new shop the city built and why that was allowed and did it go thru the proper channels. Councilman Axtman explained the Council is concerned that there is enough room in that zone for any potential allowable businesses to build. Councilman Landeraaen restated we are not telling the store no we are simply asking them to build in the business district. Jesper stated he doesn’t agree with the city controlling what a land owner can and cannot do on private property. Councilman Fishell stated a landowner also should be aware of what zone their property is in and what the permitted uses are. Banjo stated he can’t believe the city is deterring competition from City Business. . .

coming into the area. Les Leibrand asked the council why would you not let someone build something in Scobey. Les discussed happenings in the past and stated “never once does a guy get a call from the city". Councilman Fishell reported he did do a survey and called community members on the west side to try and get public input and hear their opinions.

Council has to think about the future - what do we want the city to look like now and into the future – Councilman Fishell stated it seems like a pretty good layout now. Discussion occurred on parking on Main Street and past zoning issues. Banjo inquired about what kind of taxes would a new business like a Dollar Store generate and it would be a benefit for a store to sell items that are not currently available in town hopefully getting people to shop locally instead of going elsewhere to buy goods. Council asked why didn’t anyone from the Dollar store have a discussion with the zoning board or council? Boe asked Coun...