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Scobey Cross Country Girls Bring Home Another Trophy From State

Scobey Cross Country Girls Bring  Home Another Trophy From State Scobey Cross Country Girls Bring  Home Another Trophy From State

As close as it seemed, it wasn't even really that close when all things are consid- ered. That describes the Class C girls race at the Montana High School Association's 60th State Cross Country Championships in the northern area of Kalispell.

Held Saturday, October 21, on the grounds of Rebecca Farm, a world-class Equestrian Triathlon venue, the Scobey girls' team found itself tied with the Roberts Rockets 27-27 for the state title, and no, cutting the first place trophy in half wasn't an option.

Whitewater junior Shelbi LaBrie was the overall win ner by posting a 19:52.42, which was 8 seconds slower than the 19:44.6 she ran at last season's state meet in Missoula when placing third.

It is what followed that was very interesting.

Scobey junior Mya Green was second in 20:18.24 followed by team mate Mia Handran in third with a 20:21.43 and junior Kazee Trower in 22nd with a 24:11.61.
