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CURLNG — A primer back in 1972: Surprisingly last week we had a curling story to report about featur ing a young man with ties to Daniels County, which would be Zach Brenden of Bismarck, North Dakota. On Wednesday, September 20, the Leader was asked to look up some information on an Eastern Class B basketball game. While doing so we can upon another curling story in the Daniels County Leader, which was published in the January 13, 1972 issue of the full-page Sparta, the name of the Scobey School newspaper at the time. Without further ado, here is the article written by Eileen Trang: Over 29 kids have signed up for the curling season this year, while still more, which are interested, are still hunting for teams. Curling is more than a game. It takes co-ordination and preception. Put these together with the ice and you have a tough sport. Scoring seems and looks tough but is really quite simple. The team with the rock in closest to the center scores ...