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Hospital Board Meeting Notes


Daniels Memorial Healthcare Center held its regular Board of Directors meeting, July 24, 2023 at 6 p.m. in the Hospital conference room.

The unapproved minutes in part include:

Members Present: Jack Pittenger, Jedda Barron, Mike Bjarko, Cliff Hames, Tanner Trower, Kymber Carney, Paul Kanning, Janitzia Nelson, Kody Brinton, Wendy Dahl, Koby May, Nicole Hobbs, Kim Wangerin, Pat McConnell, Melanie Schell, and guest Michael Murphy Jack Pittenger called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm.

Consent Items: Minutes, Medical Staff Appts & Credentials - Discussion occurred to amend the June 26, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes, paragraph titled FY24 Hospital Budget Approval, sentence six “With grants and hospital district it The changes brings the FY24 proposed budget to a positive net cooperating income to $269,035 which is closer to the goal of $300K.”
