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The Scobey Legacy Lives On: Ramona in Metro-Chicago

The Scobey Legacy Lives On:  Ramona in Metro-Chicago The Scobey Legacy Lives On:  Ramona in Metro-Chicago

Larry and Karen Wahl, long-time Scobey residents and world travelers, recently visited with Ramona Cramer Tucker (SHS grad 1980) at her home in metro-Chicago. The three enjoyed some simple soup, buns made with former Scobey elementary school teacher Josie Cramer’s recipe, tea from Chinatown in Chicago, and hand-crafted key-lime pie and strawberry shortcake. But what was better than the food, though, was the lively conversation about days in Scobey and life happenings since.

“Living in Scobey for 10 years — third grade through high school — was very formative,” Ramona said. “I’ll never forget pioneers like rancher Glen Hanrahan, whose heart-of-gold and don’t-take-no-for-ananswer character helped a family new to the area settle in.” Ramona’s mom (Josie), dad (Albert)—the Academic Dean of Canadian Bible College/Canadian Theological Seminary (now Ambrose University) in Regina during the week who drove back to Scobey every weekend to see his girls and assist with leadership at the Whitetail Community Church—and sister, Evangeline (now Schock), lived across from Roseland Park. Ramona still makes Ruth Hanrahan’s monster cookies, but hers are smaller, she says — not the size of an ice-cream pail.

“My days in Scobey taught me to face any transition or difficult event head on, with tenacity and determination.

That’s the Scobey spirit, and the legacy of its pioneers and colorful stories lives on in me today.”

Even her graduation day — May 18, 1980...