Things, Ideas & People . . .

You’ve seen gold, silver and all forms of coins, paper, plastic and memes of Crypto Currency. Now there’s “Goldbacks” used in a few states. Dana Fjeld brought these by the office the other day. These each
represent 5 Goldbacks and each contains 1/200th of
an ounce of gold. They are each worth somewhere around $10 in gold. He said he and his wife Kim purchased one of each to just see what they were like, for the novelty of it and maybe as a collectable. The one on the left is from Utah and the right, from Nevada. The Utah 5 has Veritas (Roman goddess of truth) and Nevada 5 has Sophia (apparently not truly a goddess, but represents wisdom).
From— “Goldbacks are a form of voluntary local currency whose intricate designs are crafted from ...