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Moral Of This Time-Traveling Story? Never, Never Give Up!


Doug Stebleton’s connection with Scobey, Montana? At the request of the late Dixie Halverson of KCGM 95.7 FM he was a judge the summer of 1999 of the KCGM True Value/ Jimmy Dean Country Showdown held during the annual Fourth of July celebration in Scobey.

These days he is having his first published book, It's

A Wonderful Time, of the Hollywood Time Travel Series, judged by the general public. A 1983 graduate of Glasgow High School, he moved to Hollywood, California in 1984 and enrolled in The Musicians Institute, a renowned music college to take his guitar-playing ability to a higher level. After graduating a year later he enjoyed the Los Angeles area so much he decided to stay, able to do so because he was hired at the Beverly Hills Hotel as a valet parking attendant.

During that time David Tebet, age 72 and Vice President of Talent Relations at NBC-TV, resided at the hotel. He was responsible for negotiations bringing Johnny Carson in to replace Jack Parr on The Tonight Show in 1962, ran Johnny Carson Productions and served as Executive Producer of The David Letterman Show. After a few months of working at the hotel, Stebleton was ...