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Divisional Game Passes

Divisional Passes

There will be a divisional pass list.  Just one list for boys, and one list for girls.  You will have to pay $15 for a boys pass and $15 for a girls pass.  These passes will have to be purchased at Scobey Schools between Monday 2/22 and Friday 2/26 9:00am – 3:00pm.

Each player will be allowed 12 passes, each alternate 2 passes, managers 2 passes, cheerleaders 2 passes, and coaches 4 passes for their gender’s games ONLY.

If you are able to get on a list for both genders (only Scobey games) it will cost you $30.

Since the girls need a purchased pass to get into the boys games and vice versa, I have set aside passes for all of the girls for our boys games and set aside passes for our boys to go to our girls games.  Parents, we are asking that you purchase your child’s ticket so that they can attend the games of the opposite gender so they don’t have to leave during their game. ( I know this is not ideal, but it’s the rule we have to follow)

There will also be 40 general admission passes that sell first come, first serve.  Please call Scobey schools between Monday 2/22 and Friday 2/26 9:00am – 3:00pm.  A standby list will also be first come, first serve if there are people that would like to give their passes to the standby list.