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75 Years Ago


Items taken from weekly issues 75 years ago, from the Daniels County Leader, est. 1922 (continuation of the Scobey Sentinel, est. 1912).

January 17, 1946

Percy Lewarton Sells Business–

Mr. and Mrs. Percy Lewarton of Peerless left by car Wednesday to make their home at Long Beach, CA.

Last week Percy closed out the last of his business holdings in Peerless community when he sold his coal mine and farm to Reese Puckett and Charles and Lawrence Fouhy. First of the year the Puckett brothers took possession of the Lewarton mercantile business. Married In “Little Church Around The Corner”– Word from Washington, D.C. arrived that Karleen Davis, yeoman second class, a daughter of Mr. and...